The following are some helpful resources for acquiring a Van Buren County Liquor License. This page contains information on Liquor Licensing. You can find out how to get your liquor licenses in Michigan by using the resources on this website. Please fill out the form below if you’re interested in learning more about getting a liquor license or if you’d like to chat with one of our knowledgeable consultants for FREE.

What types of Liquor Licenses are available in Van Buren County

Class C Tavern Liquor License – Enables the sale of beer and wine on the premises.

Class C Liquor License – This license allows for customers to purchase beer, wine, and spirits (e.g. vodka, tequila, and whiskey) on premises. It permits bars and restaurants to sell liquor without a seating or food requirement.

Class C Resort License – This license permits for the sale of beer, wine, and spirits (such as vodka, tequila, and whiskey) to customers on the premises. This license is for bars and restaurants and does not require seating or food. Having more than 100 seats and a full restaurant menu at a location is necessary to obtain a Class C Resort license. The transfer of the first 550 Class C resort licenses can be done to any location in the state. It is possible to still get a Class C Resort license directly from the State.

Specially Designated Distributor Liquor License (SDD) –  Allows for the sale of beer, wine, and spirits to customers in their original packages for consumption off-site.

Specially Designated Merchant License (SDM) – Customers are able to purchase wine and beer in their original packaging for consumption off of the licensed premises.

liquor license michigan

Steps to getting a Van Buren County Liquor License

  1. Select a location: The first step to obtaining a liquor license in Michigan is having a signed Letter of Intent or a lease/deed that shows you have the right to the premises.

  2. Determine if the license you seek must be purchased or if it can be taken directly from the state.If the license needs to be purchased an escrow account must be opened and the transaction must be processed through it.

  3. Send the Michigan Liquor Control Commission your license application (MLCC).

  4. Receive the letter of deficiency and respond with the requested documents.

  5. Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) inspection of the premises.

  6. Interview with your license investigator.

  7. An envelope containing a liquor license from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) will arrive soon.

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Liquor License Fast is the most efficient liquor license agency in the state of Michigan. We help our clients obtain liquor licenses in Van Buren County, where they may be difficult to obtain. The relationships we have allow us to guarantee that we will be able to get you the license you need. We are able to get licenses more quickly, inexpensively, and professionally than others. Is there anything you would like to ask? We’re here to answer them.

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